Enroll in the Thrive Program with Joey
We help you increase your $30,000+ donations
So many nonprofits struggle with fundraising. During Joey's time of nonprofit work, he closed multiple $150,000 one-time donations, and $30,000 and above. Joey spent much of his time in partnership building, large asks, and development team building. The two organizations he worked for were $4 million annually and above. He now helps nonprofit executives through what's called the Thrive Program. In this program he will coach you step-by-step to increase your donations by a large amount.

Enroll in the N.O.S Program with Tara
Become World-Class Operationally
Many times nonprofits are internally disorganized so they become stuck in their operations.
Tara is an expert at organizational health, helping nonprofits and organizations run as efficiently as possible. Tara has a program called N.O.S (Nonprofit Operating System) and through this helps nonprofits become clear in mission, strategy, measurables, systems, and accountability. Tara also works with smaller or startup nonprofits, helping them get off the ground.

Need a grant writer?
Anna Amend can help
Flexible, hard-working, and understanding are great ways to explain Anna. Anna understands that grant writing is much more than the grant, but understanding foundations and complexities of them. Anna uses AI technology to write faster, but also creates a quality product for each nonprofit.
Who's Hired Equip Coaches & Writers
(not all shown)

We Get Results
$50,000 increase

$60,000 increase
$14,000 increase
$10,000 increase